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Genital massage can be a beautiful way to honor and connect with your body, rather than treating it as just an object for sexual gratificationA meditative and connective approach, not only allows the sensation of pleasure and pure enjoyment to radiate throughout the body,  but can allow you to connect to yourself holistically, and can also aid in releasing mental and physical tension, pent up emotions and old wounds ---

We begin this session with a gentle light touch body massage, starting with head, face, neck, slowly working down the body, to the feet -gradually up toward the genitals. 


Genital massage includes gentle touch along the perineum, anal opening, scrotum, testicles, shaft and head of the penis. Massaging the perineum with light pressure can also stimulate the prostate externally, which some men find sensual and relaxing.


We move slowly through the session, allowing time to pause, breathe, and connect to the energy within you, from my hands, and between us. Although we don't talk during the session, you can voice yourself and gently check in with each other.


Somatic Meditative Practice can also complement this session nicely

1. Frontal Body + Genital Massage

 Frontal Body + Genital Massage 

Full Body + Genital Massage

Includes a soothing and comforting full body massage [front and back]

2. Full Body Awakening Massage includes full genital massage
3. Full Body Awakening + slow penetrative sex + oral stimulation without prostate massage
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The concept of slow sex is just that: it emphasizes a slower, more mindful and connective approach to sexual activity / physical intimacy, focusing on presence, connection, and pleasure rather than techniques for sexual arousal and  achieving orgasm or release of.

It encourages partners to engage in a more sensual and intimate experience, taking their time to explore each other and connect and better understand yourself / body and your partner through sexual intimacy.

* Included in the General Session: Connective intimacy practices, light full body and genital massage, with oral stimulation. 

* Extended session allows for mutual foreplay and various penetrative positions, as well as permission to communicate desires that arise in the moment [example certain areas of your body where you like to be touched in specific ways, something you want more of or less of etc...

* Extended time in companionship : to simply allow us to be together in a more relaxed way, as well talk about or through anything that arises


otherwise, you can still receive a beautiful, connective and intimate, non-sexual session ( fully or partially clothed ) here

4. Somatic Intimacy

Somatic Intimacy - Slow Sex

Please choose all that apply
  • Please include a message about your experience with sensual / erotic massage experiences

  • if you wish, details about your intimate and / or general lifestyle that may better help guide your session.

  • A personal message allows me to feel better about accepting your session request. Preliminary communication is essential to allow us both to feel comfortable.  


Thank you for your session request

Somatc Intimacy / Slow Sex
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Individual Sessions & Workshops available in Athens & throughout Greece [  Turkey & Egypt ]

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